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Racing Group

Hosted By Bellerive Yacht Club

Race 5   (22/02/2025)  Banjo's Shoreline

Updated:  22/02/2025  6:42:57 PM

D1 ORC WL results Start : 15:20
Place Boat Name Skipper Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T ETOrd Score
1 INTRIGUE David Calvert 16:10:12 50:12 0.9549 47:56 1 1.0
2 EYE CANDY Malo Leseigneur 16:10:31 50:31 0.9715 49:05 2 2.0
3 JOINT CUSTODY Ian Stewart 16:14:54 54:54 0.9539 52:22 4 3.0
4 WARGAMES Wayne Banks-Smith 16:13:15 53:15 1.0260 54:38 3 4.0
5 GUILTY PLEASURES VI Gary Cripps 16:16:13 56:13 1.0317 58:00 5 5.0
6 HOOLIGAN Jeff Cordell 16:20:46 01:00:46 0.9579 58:12 6 6.0
7 CUTTING EDGE Andrew Jones 16:22:53 01:02:53 0.9830 01:01:49 7 7.0

D2 ORC WL results Start : 15:25
Place Boat Name Skipper Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T ETOrd Score
1 PRION Jory Linscott 16:16:13 51:13 0.9005 46:07 1 1.0
2 SAGA Troy Grafton 16:21:37 56:37 0.8510 48:11 4 2.0
3 XCITE The Xciters 16:17:35 52:35 0.9170 48:13 2 3.0
4 DEVILJSH Dermot Crean 16:22:12 57:12 0.8822 50:28 5 4.0
5 Y Ian Marshall 16:19:58 54:58 0.9271 50:58 3 5.0
6 THE DOG HOUSE Peter Coad 16:22:44 57:44 0.9164 52:54 6 6.0

Results by : TopYacht

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