Information Session

sailBYC are running an "Information Session" on the various rating systems and what you need to do to prepare your boats. Jeff Cordell will be presenting information on IRC, ORCi and AMS. There are some differences in how boats are measured and Jeff will explain and answer any questions on all of the rules.

With IRC nationals coming up, now is the time to start your preparation.

Chris Sheehan will be giving a presentation on PHS and Topyacht. This is a complex task but you'll get an understanding on what a skilled job a handicapper does. Everyone who sails under PHS owes the handicapper a beer! They don't do it for the money.

Date: Wednesday 21st August at 1900hrs in our Marina Bar.

Cost: NIL

Monday Night Members Draw
August 14, 2019
New mainsail – ‘As Good As It Gets’
August 19, 2019